Hello. three weeks ago I posted about growing roses in pots. I have received a gorgeous rose from a lady who grows old roses and I am growing it in a very large pot and doing what @Di Durston PRHRiA Tea Bag and @janeastman2 suggested (thanks!). The old lady thinks it is Mme Franziska Kruger, but was not sure as she has had the rose for decades. It has grown extremely fast in the pot in the past 14 days, and has lots of new buds on it. Its a really lovely rose. some clues to what it might be:
When i first got this rose the new growth was not very thorny, but I am now finding that as the rose grows it is pretty thorny.
The colour is gorgeous, bright in bud and then as it gets older it fades.
I have left an old dried up one on the plant to help you identify it.
Some questions.
If it is MFK, how often does it flower? And when. How big does it grow? I have it in a really big pot, so can i keep it in that? Will it get aphids?
Any other tips. Oh, and also what era is this rose from? it sounds German. Thanks.

Mlle Franziska Kruger is from the famous Nabonnand stable of roses. Bred in France in 1879. Flowers prolifically from Spring to Autumn. As the rose gets larger repot it into a bigger pot. Trim the spent flowers to encourage new growth. For a Tea this is a fairly tough rose, - very pretty